Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Homage to Alvin Horne and Shop PORN???

Alvin Horne

My sisters both think it is hilarious whenever I tell people what I do for a living. It starts well when I tell them that my fiance and I just launched an online boutique specializing in home accessories. Then it quickly gets ugly when I let them know that the web address is- www.shopPORN.com. Most people look at me bewildered and I just stare blankly back because in my head I heard shopHORNE.com I guess I can blame it on my mother and my west Texas upbringing. My Mom is a New Yorker through and through and she was terrified of having children that spoke with a Texas accent. So she beat the y'all, fixin' and reckon out of my sisters and me. As a result, I have some strange speech patterns, one of them apparently being slurring the word HORNE- to PORN!

Ryan and I chose the name HORNE as an ode to my families' history. My Great-Grandfather's banker and friend, Alvin Horne, sold my Great-Grandfather (JE Parker) his first ranch back in 1907. Later, my Great Uncle was born in Alvin's house as JE's ranch was a good two day wagon ride away from town. As a sign of respect, JE named his third son after Alvin - Alvie Horne Parker. My Grandfather must also have respected the guy because he named my father after him, Timothy Horne Parker. Ryan and I figured this guy must have had some really good juju if two guys named their sons after him and we decided just plain ole HORNE had a nice ring to it. Thus shopPORN I mean HORNE was born.


P.S. Just under 3 days left to the SALE!!

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